Rocket Music Custom Suhr Order Information

The Suhr Custom Configurator is a tool we developed to help customers understand the options and features of a guitar specifications. It is not entirely complete, nor 100% accurate. It is intended to be informative and useful for the custom spec process. Feel free to contact us with questions.

Price estimates reflects 2018 Suhr Prices. We try to keep the prices current and accurate, but all estimates are subject to changes and confirmation. Cost will be checked and confirmed prior to finalizing orders. Price displayed is Suhr Street price.

Ordering Process:

We do our best to get orders into production as quickly as possible, but you can choose a distant production month for budgeting and planning. Typically, it takes about 4 to 6 months or more to build a Suhr guitar, but the order must be made in advance to allow for production scheduling. The order enters production about one month prior to the production month estimated, and then the delivery is usually about a month after the production month.

  1. Submit specifications to Rocket Music. We review options, estimate cost, makes suggestions, and answers questions
  2. Once you decide on a complete specification, we confirm cost and questions with Suhr before you decide to proceed with the order. We require a good faith deposit to place the order with Suhr.
  3. Specifications are reviewed by a Suhr sales representative, and then submitted to Suhr production. Unfortunately, sometimes issues with options are not realized until the guitar is in production.

  4. Production Build Process:

    Certain options can add significant time to the build, especially Setneck, Carvetop, Binding, and special Inlays.

    1. Neck blank is schedule to be cut. Neck is typically cut one month prior to the production month to allow it time to relax, to minimize the chance it will twist or warp.
    2. The body is cut in the production month.
    3. Neck is shaped, frets installed, and inlay details added.
    4. Body is paint and details like inlay and binding are completed
    5. Body and neck are assembed.
    6. Hardware and electronics are installed.
    7. All guitars undergo rigorous final quality control and testing before leaving Suhr factory.


    Suhr does not update us on the status of a guitar unless there is a question or issue. We can request status, and they will provide a general production stage, such as "scheduled", "neck and body cut", "body in paint", "in final assembly", and "final QC".

    1. Once the order is ready to ship to us at Rocket Music, we inform you that the order is completed. We request the balance. It takes about one week to ship from Suhr to Rocket Music.
    2. Guitar is checked and often photographed when it arrives at Rocket Music.
    3. We try to ship to you within 48 hours after it arrives at Rocket Music, but photographing and confirming address and delivery instructions can delay shipping.
    4. We always work with you and Suhr to resolve any issues or problems with the order. They often work directly with the customer or we are happy to communicate and help in the process.

    Suhr Warranty Info